vendredi 14 mars 2014

Epidemiological effects of rodents (mice, rats)

Epidemiological effects of rodents (mice, rats)

Were not concerns of disease transmission from rodents to humans recent, it was very old, was an enemy of the Pharaohs draw a cat for rodents and a friend to man and are dealing with the sanctity of the high. There is also in the ancient Indian beliefs that rodents are creatures of her recipes gods, and still now in the Temple (Dhenwk) in India where more than ten thousand of rats inside the temple, offering her food and honors

Proved by modern science that there is a group of diseases transmitted by rats, either by eating food contaminated with fecal matter and dust that mixes with urine and the remains of rodents, or by breathing, through air pollution seeds contaminated dust remains of rodents, or by living organisms and intermediate Kaalgheml and fleas and Aharms and Altepanos, which absorbs the blood of rodents and re-absorption of human blood.

It is a disease transmitted to humans by rodents, (Salmonella), plague, tularemia and hemorrhagic fever, hepatitis, leishmaniasis (a grain of Baghdad) and other diseases .. and will instruct the most important of these diseases very briefly.



Known human plague since more than five thousand years , but statistics from the dead , which codified , was in 522 or 542 AD , which has spread from Egypt to somewhere around lasted sixty years , during which he spent one hundred million victims . It also spread to Western Europe for a period of five years between 1345 and 1350 and was named the Black Death , which killed 43 million human beings. In 1660 , the number of deaths in the City of London each week ten thousand. In Moscow in 1700 was similar to the mortality deaths London , and in Marseille in 1720 killed more than 68 thousand people . In Istanbul, the plague in 1802 killed nearly 150 thousand people. In India in 1896, has spread from the city of Bombay and lasted ten years , killing 3.5 million man.


Disease of rodents and rabbits, which is transmitted to humans, and are rodents of the most important Alkhaznat to bacteria of the disease called (Bact. Tularence) and it spread all over the world, which is a fatal disease transmitted by ticks and mosquitoes, from droppings of rodents that escape from cold, heat and resorted to condominium near rights. And more periods of transmission to occur between the months of June to September / September You and disease-causing bacteria that retain vitality between 247 530 days. And more injuries occur when nearby residents of orchards and areas of water.


Skin disease leishmaniasis, from wet and dry, and the disease is prevalent in Iran, Central Asia and Russia. The rodents treasurer of this bacterium disease and injury where the annual increase of 40%. And transmitted to humans by biting the ears and sensitive areas exposed to human by mosquitoes

Method of rat extermination of the house by rice and aspirin

Method of rat extermination of the house by rice and aspirin

Method of rat extermination of the house by rice and aspirin

TWO grinding aspirin and put it with a little rice in places where the likelihood of passage mice 
Necessary, but do not touch this stuff because mice alienated from human scent 
Means tried to wear gloves or bags Look the result I tried medications, but what was the second result is satisfactory 100%

Way to expel rats from the house by black pepper

Way to expel rats from the house by black pepper 

Way to expel rats from the house by black pepper

The sense of smell in mice with a very strong will rely upon to get rid of mice And are soft Spray corners kitchen amount of black pepper this proven method due to the contents of the black pepper pungent smell, the sense of smell for mice is very strong smell that smell when running away from the scene

Get rid of the mice definitively

Mice may carry diseases that can be transferred to humans through direct contact, or through their droppings. In addition, they destroy your home by chewing wood

Get rid of the mice definitively

Ideas to eliminate rats

_Keep your home clean

_Not leave dishes in the sink overnight

_Eliminate sources of water. Rats need water to live, and usually what you want to search for food and water a short distance from their nests

_Get rid of clutter. Rats are looking for things that can hide behind

mercredi 12 mars 2014

Kill mice (rats) in the house, the way anti-Rtas in homes

Kill mice (rats) in the house, the way anti-Rats in homes

How do you elimination of rat infiltration into your home or your shop or office
Will ask you a question why your neighbors have no complaint without the presence of rats? 

There are mice because you provide their own food so you attack the source of a favorite as long as food is available. Medicine is the solution? 

First, get rid of the garbage and fill all openings, including inspection chambers about sewage and drainage pipes hobby top roof of the house not to make your home and garden home or skylight without lighting at night because mice love dark places and neglected. Daum, the cleanliness of your home and garden cleaning pools of Agriculture and the cleanliness of the surrounding area and skylights in your home.

Kill rats 

How to get rid of rats

kill rats

how to catch a rat

how to kill a rat